– Hi, Culinary Friends! Who here often feels overwhelmed when they have to prepare lunch or dinner in a short time? With busy schedules and piling up activities, sometimes it feels difficult to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. However, that doesn’t mean you have to be willing to eat unhealthy food or often dig into your pockets for delivery orders.

Fast Food

First, take advantage of your free time on the weekend to prepare food. You can cut vegetables, prepare basic ingredients such as rice or meat, and make sauces or dressings that can be stored in an airtight container. That way, when busy days come, you can just take the ingredients and start cooking straight away without having to waste time preparing everything from scratch. Additionally, try to have a weekly menu plan.

By planning your menu in advance, you can ensure that you have all the necessary ingredients and avoid confusion when thinking about what to cook each day. You can also try different menu variations every day to avoid boredom and provide a variety of balanced nutrition to your body. With a little planning and creativity, you can serve up delicious, healthy meals in no time without having to stress out in the kitchen every day.

1. Always prepare basic ingredients

The first step to preparing fast food is to always have basic ingredients in the kitchen. Make sure you always have a supply of rice, noodles, eggs, fresh vegetables, processed meat such as corned beef or nuggets, and basic spices such as garlic, shallots, chilies and pepper. That way, you can easily combine these ingredients into simple, delicious dishes.

2. Take advantage of the freezer

The freezer is not just for storing ice cream or frozen meat. You can also use it to store ready-to-eat food that can be warmed up at any time. For example, you can prepare a large portion of soup or stew, then portion it into small containers and freeze. Later, just warm it up when you want to eat it.

3. Create a Stock of Frozen Foods

Just like using the freezer, stocking up on frozen food can also be a smart solution for ready-to-eat meals. When you have free time, make large portions of dishes such as lasagna, rissoles, or homemade nuggets, then freeze them in small portions. Just warm it up when you want to eat it, and voilĂ ! Ready-to-eat meals are also served.

4. Make Big Portions, Save the Leftovers

If you cook often, try to make larger portions than usual. For example, when making stir-fried vegetables or fried rice, make enough for two or three meals. You can store the rest in the refrigerator, then reheat it when you want to eat it.

5. Make use of canned or frozen vegetables

Sometimes, preparing fresh vegetables does take extra time to wash and peel them. To save time, you can use canned or frozen vegetables that are ready to use. Just warm it or sauté it for a while, and you can eat the vegetables.

6. Use Fast Cooking Equipment

Invest in cooking equipment that can help you prepare food more quickly. For example, a rice cooker for cooking rice practically, a pressure cooker for processing meat or vegetables in a short time, or a microwave oven that can be used to heat or even cook food.

7. Explore Healthy Fast Food Recipes

In this digital era, there are lots of healthy and delicious fast food recipes available. Take the time to search for and try these recipes, so that you have lots of menu choices when you want to prepare a ready-to-eat meal. Recipes such as vegetable omelettes, fish sandwiches, or fruit salads can be healthy options that are quick to serve.

8. Take advantage of the Slow Cooker Feature

If you have a slow cooker or pressure cooker, take advantage of this feature to cook food for a long time without having to keep an eye on it. You can put ingredients such as meat, vegetables, and spices into a pan, turn on the slow cooker, and let the food cook by itself. When you come home, ready-to-eat food will be available.

9. Make Meal Prep for the Week

One trick that you can apply is to make meal prep or prepare food for a week at once. Take time on the weekend to cook several types of dishes, then divide them into small portions that can be stored in the refrigerator or freezer. That way, you just have to warm it up when you want to eat a healthy ready-to-eat meal on busy days.

10. Vary with a Simple Menu

Lastly, don’t hesitate to serve simple dishes like sunny side up eggs, toast, or sandwiches when you really don’t have time to cook. Add a little variation, such as adding vegetables or cheese, and even a simple menu can become a delicious and nutritious ready-to-eat meal.


No need to spend hours in the kitchen to enjoy delicious and healthy ready-to-eat meals. With these 10 quick meal prep tips, you can whip up satisfying meals with incredible efficiency. One of the main tricks is to plan your weekly menu wisely. By planning your menu ahead of time, you can ensure that you have all the necessary ingredients and avoid confusion when meal time arrives.

Take advantage of your free time to do several stages of food preparation. For example, you can wash, cut and store vegetables and meat in special containers in the refrigerator. This will cut down on prep time when you’re actually ready to cook. In addition, choose simple but high-quality recipes, such as grilled dishes or stir-fried vegetables with added protein. With efficient recipes, you can serve delicious food in no time.